DAILY DEVOTIONAL 2.11.2020 – MARK 1:21-28 – Healing a Man with an Unclean Spirit

When you run across Jesus, what is your response?
In Mark 1:21-28, we’re given a scene of Jesus preaching in the Synagogue. He is teaching with such authority that people are amazed. Their normal teachers of the law don’t speak with this kind of authority. Who is this man?
While they’re standing around wondering who Jesus is, a demon-possessed man finds Jesus. The demon recognizes Jesus and acknowledges him as the Son of God. Then the demon wants to know if Jesus is there to destroy him.
Jesus immediately quiets the demon and forces him to leave the man.
Now the people are even more confused. Who is this man who can command demons and they obey him?
As I reflect on theses passages I am struck by the contrast between the people and the demon. The people wondered, but the demon acknowledged, feared, and obeyed.
We’re given the same option. Be careful not to let your wonder lead to the same inaction as these people. Rather, acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God. Fear him as such, and obey Him today.
Work hard and smile often.